Limon Municipal Airport - KLIC
Limon Colorado Municipal Airport - KLIC is 1 mile Northeast of town. Take Main Street (I-70 Business Loop/ US HWY 287) East and turn left at the airport sign.
This is not a commercial airport, and there are no commercial airline flights departing or arriving here.
- Airport Services : Fuel 100LL Available 24/7 with Credit Card - Parking with tiedowns - Minor airframe and powerplant service - NO Oxygen available Geolocation = 39.2747778 / -103.6658611
- Open to the Public - Uncontrolled Airfield - No Tower - Wind Indicator - Uncontrolled vehicle access - Lights: ACTVT MIRL RY 16/34 & PAPI RYS 16 & 34 - CTAF.
- Airport Communications - CTAF: 122.9 - WX ASOS: 121.125 (719-775-0515)
- Runway: Single runway 16 / 340 is concrete in fair condition 4700 x 60 ft.

Remarks to Pilots:
- Uncontrolled vehicle access to field.
- Taxiway marked with blue reflectors.
- Deer on and in the vicinity of airport.
- Be alert: intensive USAF student training in vicinity of Colorado Springs & Pueblo Colorado.